Thursday, 30 June 2011

Why "Naming the Muse?"

I believe all creativity comes from God.  The first three points of my thesis state:
-God creates
-We are made in God’s image
-We have the God-given need and capacity to create
Even our friends who create and don't acknowledge God receive their expressive drive from Him.  Often they refer to "finding their muse."  One of the definitions found in dictionaries is a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. I feel the creative muse is God.  Hopefully my study will provide opportunities to discuss this with creatives who are still chasing their muse.

Knowing the Standards, Improvisation, Creativity, & Freedom
The second day of class was pretty amazing.   Bill Edgar walked us through the development of jazz with its origins in slavery.  We watched some great video clips (yeah YouTube!) and Bill played examples on the piano. Bill was then joined by Rob Des Cotes, a local pastor and a jazz flute player.  For some information on songs he has written go to  Rob invited Mark, a local bass player to be part of the trio for class.  This was Bill's first meeting with Rob & Mark.  Rob asked Bill what he wanted to play and off they went.  Incredible!!  These three jazz players wove in and out of the music like they grew up together.
So here is the main point of this class:  Our spiritual journey can be very much like jazz.  
In jazz there is the need to know the standards, know your instrument, and know music theory.  Now, with this musical maturity you confidently take your voice into community and trust each other to improvise an amazing experience. 
In our spiritual journey we need to know God's standards, know ourselves, and know how life works.  As a mature follower of Jesus we can now bring our individual talents into community and really cook.

Although Bill, Rob, and Mark sounded great, there was something else yesterday that really hammered this idea.  Micah, a young 15-year-old boy is attending our class with his father.  This is a pastoral family from Ohio.  After the trio played two songs they asked if Micah would like to fill in for Bill.  Rob asked Micah if he knew Billy's Bounce.  He did and Rob said, "Ok.  In F.  One, two, three, four."  We were treated to four minutes of some awesome jazz while the three 'traded fours.'  I recorded this and will get it online as soon as I figure out how to do it.

So how can this happen?  How can a 60-year-old flute player and 50-something bass player from Vancouver play this great music with a 15-year-old from Ohio?  They know the standards, they know their instruments, they know theory and they trusted each other enough to bring their individuality into community.  They improvised.

Keep groovin'

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

1st day of sabbatical

June 28 blog
Yesterday was the 1st day of my sabbatical.  
Title - God in the Creative Process: In Search of the Story
God creates
We are made in God’s image
We have the God-given need and capacity to create
We need more than just words to grasp, communicate,  and live our  spiritual journey story
We can better know God and ourselves through the creative gifts of His people
Do we have a responsibility to create

Classes / Events
June 27 – July 1     All That Jazz:  A Christian Take – Regent College
July 27 – 30            KindlingsFest:  Turning Mourning into DancingOrcas Island
July 16           Glassblowing at Uptown Glassworks
Independent study
Personal expressions
My desire to enter more into the mystery of God to get a fuller picture  of Him
Engage others in this conversation
Written dissertation
Creative expressions

This week I am at Regent College which is a Christian college on the University of British Columbia campus.  Quite the 'city'.
My class this week is "All That Jazz:  A Christian Take."  David Gill, Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Bill Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary. are the instructors.  Bill is a jazz pianist who is going to China from here to teach this type of class.  If you want to know more about Bill, check this out -
Yesterday was Jazz Intro, History, & Potential Witness to God’s Truth.
I have already written up papers on two books that were assigned:  Finding the Groove:  A Jazz Shaped Faith by Robert Gelinas and Moving to Higher Ground:   How Jazz Can Change Your Life by Wynton Marsalis.  Both were very informative.
There are several summer classes going on.  Alister McGrath is here and spoke last night on "Why God Won't Go Away:  Reflections on 'New Atheizm’” (UK spelling)  
He says that the New Atheists bring good questions to the discussion.  He addressed three of their main points:
1  Religion is intrinsically violent
2  Religion is fundamentally irrational
3  Science destroys religion
He was fantastic!

I'm looking forward to blogging about tomorrow's class.